Wiesenhof Play Area Spielwelt Making Of
My name is Lola the sheep! I live together with my two children Flocke and Wolke on a construction site at the Hotel Wiesenhof. Wolke is always hungry and grazing, and Flocke pays close attention to what is happening on the construction site.

A wonderful play area is being created here for you Wiesenhof children! We’ll have a look around the site for you and will feed you with the latest photos of the construction progress in the coming days!
Today I saw the farmer scatter a lot of flower seeds. Soon a beautiful meadow of colourful flowers will grow here for you! How we long for the scent of flowers while we stand here, surrounded by the smell of sawdust…

A strange round structure
The carpenters put a strange round structure into the wall. It is huge and seems to be very heavy! What can it be? Look, it fits exactly into the round hole in the wall, says Flocke…
Suddenly the round thing is illuminated… Woooooow! It’s beautiful, Lola, Flocke and Wolke agree … just… what is this??? A flying saucer?? Hmmmmm…
Lola, Wolke and Flocke start to wonder…

A family of mice move in
Sophia and Henry also managed to sneak into the construction site… they are very curious about the play area in the Wiesenhof and hide behind a wooden wall with big round openings. From here they have everything in view!
The round structure in the wall is currently being filled… many boxes are unpacked… There’s rusting and laughter, objects are moved back and forth and placed down until everything has found its place. The site is all bustle and activity.

A fragrant flower meadow
Today the three sheep Lola, Flocke and Wolke notice a wonderful fragrance of meadow flowers. Curious, they set out, following their noses…
Suddenly a colourful flower meadow appears in front of them – what a wonderful and gorgeous sight! Wolke enjoys a first taste of the lush meadow flowers. Mmmhhh!

Chairs with weird mouse ear structures attached are piled up in front of the meadow flowers – I wonder what is being built here? Brave and curious, Flocke climbs atop the chairs.
In the distance she sees a stunning mountain backdrop. What a beautiful scenery!
There are some strange objects in front of the mountainscape … Flocke wonders what those are?

High mountains
“Wolke, I have to show you something – back there, in front of the mountains, I see a big ball… some kind of UFO and a banana-shaped wooden bowl standing there! What is that?” Lola has picked up bits of conversation from the workmen – they were talking about a climbing ladder, a bouldering wall and wobble boards. Whatever that is, we’ll find out! Wolke and Flocke climb on the wobble boards – huiiii how it wobbles! “We can train our balancing skills here!” says Lola – that’s great fun!

The forest
The sun shines through the treetops of the forest and creates a magical atmosphere.
Accompanied by the merry chirping of birds, the three sheep Lola, Wolke and Flocke cautiously trudge into the forest and notice the wonderful fragrance of the forest!
An impressive raised hide appears in front of them. Lola climbs on the raised hide and peers out through the window openings into the forest.
Totally amazed, she lets her gaze wander over the flowery meadow and into the distance, to the mountains… The raised hide offers a breathtaking view of the charming themes of the Wiesenhof Spielwelt play area! Lola is certain – everything that is being created here will be amazing!

A tree cave
Below the raised hide is a tree cave … here many young and cuddly forest dwellers are waiting for the Wiesenhof children. Meanwhile, Flocke and Wolke’s full attention is focused on a hanging tent in the forest. It is attached to a tree and filled with many colourful cushions.
The designers of the Spielwelt scurry back and forth, bringing more and more cushions that make the tent look inviting and very comfy… Both sheep children can’t resist. They hop into the hanging tent, albeit somewhat awkwardly, and snuggle up amidst the many cushions…. Spellbound, Flocke and Wolke listen to the sounds of the forest, breathe in the soothing fragrance of the forest while the hanging tent rocks gently back and forth. Happy and content, Flocke and Wolke fall asleep in the new tree hammock…
At this point we say goodbye to you for today, dear Wiesenhof children!
Warm greetings
Lola, Flocke and Wolke